Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Million Moon March Update

Maybe this thing will spread (horrible pun intended)...

So far, three gun blogs have picked up on it:

Blognomicon calls it Global Gun-Grabbers Operation Feelgood.

South Park Pundit says Control This.

And The Armed Cynic terms the project The Million Mutton Package Deal.

As South Park Pundit says about pictures we send in:
They won't display them. I don't doubt that for a minute. But disrupting their little cocoon of utopian rhetoric is worth it.
If you have a gun blog and want to join the Million Moon March, send me a link to your post: codrea4 at adelphia dot net and I'll post about it here on WoG.

UPDATE: Fish Or Man sent them a killer picture. Literally.

And Say Uncle links to it, albeit the discussion is focused on the Pinky and the Brain angle...

Jay from Armed & Christian submitted a great Oleg Volk poster .

David from Gun Show on the Net just weighed in...

The Million Moon March

Our Million Faces petition is collecting photos and self portraits from around the world to reach our goal of one million faces by June 2006. We will use these faces to send a powerful, global message of support to the world's governments for an International Arms Trade Treaty.
So the global gungrabbers want us to send them a picture? Are you pondering what I'm pondering, Pinky?


And a Child Shall Lead Them...

Allowing people to carry guns wherever they go is like allowing children to run with scissors. They might not ever get hurt, but no one in their right mind would actually allow their child to do it...And let's not forget guns sometimes have the unfortunate luck of going off on their own...Certainly having a ban on concealed weapons deters would-be offenders from even carrying a gun.
Translation: Governments are instituted among men to treat them like preschoolers. Inanimate objects spring to life and act of their own volition. Violent criminal predators obey the law.

Words of knowledge, wisdom, experience and judgment from a college kid.

What a laughable, ignorant, impotent child you are, Chris Walker.

You should stop what you're doing--right now--and go read Julia Gorin.

Then hang your pathetic head in deserved shame.


Daley: Cameras Will Make Us Safer

Mayor Daley on Monday embraced a radical plan to require every licensed Chicago business open more than 12 hours a day to install indoor and outdoor cameras...If the mayor's endorsement translates into City Council approval of the ordinance championed by Ald. Ray Suarez (31st), business leaders will demand tax breaks and a phase-in similar to the sprinkler ordinance that gives older high-rises 12 years to comply, Roper said.

And he predicted the requirement would ultimately translate into fewer hours and lower wages.
Once the cud-chewers have been conditioned to comply, I wonder if private residences will be far behind. After all, it would make us safer.

And that's what the Framers wanted, isn't it?


We're the Only Ones Up and Down Enough...

Carrion is heard telling the officer he is unarmed and is in the military.

At one point, a voice is heard saying several times: "Get up."

Carrion says: "I'm gonna get up." As he rises, at least four shots are fired and Carrion collapses, crying out in pain.

"Shots fired! Shots fired!" someone shouts.

In a telephone interview conducted in Spanish, Valdez said after the shooting, Carrion asks the deputy, "Why did you shoot me if you told me to stand up?" That alleged exchange cannot be heard on the video.

The deputy, whose name was not released, was placed on paid administrative leave, a routine procedure in officer-involved shootings.
Naturally, his name was not released. Naturally, he's being placed on paid leave.

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WI Concealed Carry: Another Perspective

The status quo gun lobby - yes, the status quo - are ultimately responsible for killing this concealed carry legislation because they allowed the bill to become an anti-gun nightmare.
That doesn't surprise anyone, does it?

[Thanks to HG]

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