Thursday, August 30, 2007

No Fair

I didn't know about this until it was too late to enter.

The world may never appreciate my artistic genius until after I am gone.

I think I'll go cut off my ear.

At least it looked like they voted for a worthy candidate.

Where else have I heard about encouraging people to vote for Number 6?


To save the cost of that valuable response time, which is always too long, is it too much to even consider letting law-abiding Americans carry firearms as enshrined in the Bill of Rights, in what I hope one day will be called the "formerly known as gun-free zone?"

Free Constitution has some thoughts on the newly-released Virginia Tech report.

Unless it includes a recommendation to educate and encourage students about their right to keep and bear arms, and another to shackle Larry Hincker in stocks on the commons for public ridicule and scorn, it's guaranteed to be nothing but a bunch of politically correct BS. And nothing in it will keep the next madman from doing the Hokie Smoky.

"Eat Dead Burnt Bodies"

I guess some people's "sick" is other people's "gifted." Anyway, the line didn't come from me.

I thought the Emotional Marketing Value Headline Generator might prove useful to fellow bloggers and others looking for a way to punch up post titles. Still, how any computer program could assign these words to the "Intellectual" category is beyond me--but I do understand how they'd appeal to people "in the fields of education, law, medicine, politics... "

It took me a couple tries to get my score over 50--I'd be curious to know what word sequence will beat 75, and wonder what a perfect 100 would look like. If anybody has the time...

The Apprentice

Donald Trump Jr. joined his famous father among the ranks of pistol packers this year after the NYPD issued him a permit to keep a handgun at his home.

As I asked at KABA Newslinks:
So how much of the Trump billions are going toward ensuring the right of ALL the people to keep and bear arms?

When the old man ran for president, he flat out showed us he doesn't have a clue.

What About True "Assault Weapons"?

Yuri Orlov doesn't know what to say about NRA Director Joaquin Jackson's arrogance and ignorance. Can anyone help him out via "Comments"?

In an update, Sebastian points us to the NRA Damage Control page, where Jackson tells us he didn't mean semiautos, and when he was talking about limiting magazine capacity to 5 rounds, he was talking about for hunting, not from general ownership.

That's not what I heard him say, and while I am inclined to forgive some people for speaking poorly on camera, Jackson still reveals an elitist bent in his "clarification":
In the interview, when asked about my views of “assault weapons,” I was talking about true assault weapons – fully automatic firearms. I was not speaking, in any way, about semiautomatic rifles. While the media may not understand this critical distinction, I take it very seriously. But, as a result, I understand how some people may mistakenly take my comments to mean that I support a ban on civilian ownership of semiautomatic firearms. Nothing could be further from the truth...

I can't find any other conclusion to draw from this than he does support banning full autos from civilian possession. I don't know what the hell Jackson thinks the Second Amendment is about, but he certainly hasn't demonstrated a competent understanding of the unalienable right of the people to keep and bear arms to deserve a leadership position.

And here's the thing about NRA's professionally crafted introductory statement that we shouldn't let slide:
We will continue, as we have in the past, to vigorously oppose any efforts to limit gun ownership by law-abiding citizens as an unconstitutional infringement on our Second Amendment freedoms. These efforts include opposition to any attempts to ban firearms, including firearms incorrectly referred to as "assault weapons"...
Note they didn't say anything about firearms correctly referred to as "assault weapons."

[Via Paul Grant]

The Italian Rapscallion

The rumor that Sylvester Stallone was issued a CCW permit struck my interest as I had recently been made aware that he had attended a Los Angeles event sponsored by the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence. The "Brady Bunch", as they are commonly referred to by gun-rights advocates, are one of the most well known organizations that are lobbying to take away our rights as lawful gun owners. I was also learning that Stallone had been quoted in the past saying some very anti-gun statements, even advocating door to door gun confiscations!

I've written about Sheriff Baca's corrupt celebrity suck-up policies before, as well as Stallone's (and other Hollywood Squares') astounding good-for-me-but-not-for-thee hypocrisy.

My hat is off to for an outstanding piece of investigative reporting--I can't help but note that "authorized journalists," who look down on "amateur" bloggers, never bring us this kind of information.

In an update, we find the story has been picked up by Cam & Co. Anybody holding their breath waiting on CNN, CBS, ABC...?

[Via Of Arms and the Law, via Eric]

This Day in History: August 30

Sir: Your favor of the 21St Instant is duly received, inclosing Mr. Carters Information of the Capture of the Charming Sally; which from the Circumstances attending it, was undoubtedly collusive. I have received Advice that another Vessel belonging to one White at Marblehead; whose ostensible Voyage was to Casco Bay, was carried in soon after. Such Instances of Avarice at such a time and in such a Cause, call for a Severe Scrutiny and exemplary Punishment.