Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Turning Off the Spigot

[T]he Supreme Court has ruled repeatedly that accepting federal money is a discretionary act. [More]
Of course were things done legitimately in the first place, this would not be an issue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with that plan 100%. When I was a little kid I used to hear my father talk about "Wetbacks". It wasn't until just recently I learned about President Eisenhower's "Operation Wetback" that when a Mexican was caught in the USA he was deported IMMEDIATELY. That program needs to come back and be ENFORCED. Build the Wall and shoot to kill would be my plan to keep out all the undesirables. FYI, my wife came here LEGALLY from China. The hoops we had to jump thru for her permanent residency were unbelievable to deal with but we did it by the book.