Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Cracking Vault 7

CIA Hacking Tools Revealed [More]
We have met the enemy and he is us?

(By the way  -- good movie, ahead of its time. I read the uncredited -- and much more disturbing -- Ward Moore inspiration, too.)


Anonymous said...

Wonder how many Deep State employees look down on the 2A?

Sedition said...

I'm in cyber security, and I've warned people about this shit for years. Smart TVs, fridges, thermostats...all of them, have been used in DDoS attacks in the past and currently. ANYTHING connected to the internet is vulnerable. And the CIA isn't the only one that can do it.
Hell, I could hack into most things if I wanted to risk loosing my certifications, and if my dumb ass can do it, for real hackers, it would be a breeze.
Pair this with the fact that IBM will soon be releasing a quantum computer, passwords and encryption may be a thing of the past. These computers will work so fast that what use to take hours or days to crack will take seconds to minutes. What would take years to centuries to crack may be undone in days.
But I'm just a conspiracy nut...right.
We live in interesting times.

Elmo said...

Wow! A '62 black and white flick with Ray Milland, Frankie Avalon and Rex Holman? That's got to be a great one!

And L.A. gets nuked in the movie? What could be better?

Henry said...

“Independence Day” — Washington gets blowed up. :-)